Welcome to the Emile Munier Virtual Catalogue Raisonné

This catalogue raisonné is free and open to all. If you would like to see all of the information about each art work, please register and sign in. This will allow you to access not only the image of the art work, but the provenance, exhibitions, and publications as well as the text on each piece. If you already have an account, you can simply sign in. If you would like to browse through the images only, you do not need to register.
If you have additional information about any of the paintings or questions about them, please contact us at rehs.com.
Guide to using this catalogue
The “search” feature allows you to search by title, medium, date, provenance, exhibitions, publications and keywords.
Search terms should not include definite or indefinite articles such as “the”, “a” or “an” in English or such as “le”, “la”, “les”, “un”, “une” in French. Neither should the abbreviations “d’” or “q’” or qu’” in French be used.
Keyword searches will be most successful when selecting a specific characteristic. For example, searching for “baby” will narrow the results.
Artworks are titled in both English and French and may be searched in either language. Whenever possible, the primary title is in French and reflects the title that Emile Munier originally used. In addition, galleries, collectors and auction houses have used a variety of titles for the paintings over the years. Those alternative titles are indicated in the provenance.
Works that were exhibited at the annual exhibition organized by the Académie des Beaux-Arts can be searched by using the term “Paris Salon” rather than Société des Artistes Français.
The use of “ca.” before a date indicates that the artwork dates from a five-year span before the date and after the date. For example, a painting dated ca.1890 might have been painted between 1885 and 1895.
Since Emile Munier dated many of his works, most of the inventory numbers will begin with the specific year: 1885, 1889, etc. The works that are not dated, some of which may be assigned a circa date, begin with ND. The numbers following the year or ND, are assigned sequentially when an art work is authenticated and included in the catalogue raisonné.